ICCAT – International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Aligned 2025 RFMO Advocacy Priorities

Adopt a management procedure for western skipjack, and advance MSE for the multi-stock tropical tunas, blue sharks and South Atlantic albacore.

  • Update REC 16-14 to require an increase of observer coverage to at least 20% for pelagic longline vessels, as recommended by the SCRS, and adopt a timeline to reach 100% coverage.
  • Equitably allocate the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for yellowfin tuna.
  • Adopt North and South Atlantic shortfin mako catch limits and bycatch mitigation measures in line with scientific advice and the precautionary approach.

NGO Tuna Forum Priorities for All Tuna RFMOs

View PDF of RFMO Priorities

  • Adopt and implement comprehensive, precautionary harvest strategies (management procedures) for tunas and other targeted stocks, including swordfish and blue sharks.
  • Require 100% observer coverage (human and/or electronic) for industrial tuna fishing vessels, including those engaged in at sea transshipment.
  • Strengthen at-sea transshipment measures to be in line with best practices, such as those recommended in the NGO Tuna Forum’s Aligned Guidance on At-Sea Transshipment.
  • Strengthen FAD management provisions to at least the level defined in the NGO Tuna Forum’s Aligned Guidance on FAD Management.
  • Strengthen compliance mechanisms to ensure RFMO processes are transparent and robust, members are held accountable for the implementation of all conservation management measures and data reporting requirements, and there are clear responses to non-compliance.
  • Require that fins remain naturally attached for all (i.e., fresh and frozen) sharks without exceptions, adopting the globally acknowledged best practice to prevent finning.
  • Establish and implement labor and safety standards for crew and observers on fishing vessels that are based on relevant international labor conventions.
  • Implement and strengthen measures to effectively minimize bycatch and fishing mortality of non-target, non-retained, and ETP species in line with NGO Tuna Forum’s Aligned Bycatch Mitigation Expectations.

ICCAT Letters

ICCAT Letters Archive